I Want to Point to You in the Stands

Other 00K Active
Author: ReeLee
Latest: CH 1
Time: 6 month ago

Hoseoks the schools star soccer player, and Hyungwons the edgy poet in the back of the class who only talks to one or two people willingly. When Hoseoks grades begin to fall because of how many classes hes missed, hes forced to take up tutoring sessions with the brightest in his class... who just ends up being Hyungwon. My fifth submissino for the AO3 HWH Bingo Challenge  Foreword“Shin!” the captain calls. “Take a break!” Hoseok nods, though he knows the man cant see it, and jogs off the field. He sits down with a heaving breath and fumbles in his bag for his water bottle. He loves playing soccer, the sport being the only thing thatll get him to the school of his dreams, but it takes so much out of him, takes up so much of his time. He wishes there were something else, some other scholarship thatd give him a full ride to any university of his choosing, but he knows thats pointless. All he has now is to be the best.
