Niko Niko Leia Shop ♥ Reviewing and Graphics [OPEN/HIRING]

Poster 00K Active
Author: Leiaishere
Time: 5 month ago

Welcome to Niko Niko Leia Shop! This shop provides reviews and graphics.Despite that we are young, were pretty good editers and reviewers! But our reviews are really strict so we hope you dont get offended ;) ♥ Niko means Smile in Japanese and we hope you all can smile at our graphics or reviews!I hope to satisfy your needs and interest, XOXO Leiaishere    For Posters1) Do not bash please! Our technique may not be as good as others2) Use our posters for at least 2 months! We will check!3) You can ask for a re-do but only once!4) Be patient, we have lives and most of us may have school. Especially during exams.5) If we are to unsatisfy you, just say it and visit another shop. Dont be such a wimp and just dont use our poster.6)Credit us and the artist. We will check7) Subscribe to us before sending your request, even if you received your request. Dont unsubscribe!8)???? is: Mayaisawesome  FORM (MUST BE FILLED UP UNLESS BRACKET OPTIONAL)♥ Authors name :♥ Story Title:♥ Short Story Summary:♥ Story Link:♥ Story Genre:♥ HD Picture Link (OPTIONAL) :♥ Quotes (OPTIONAL) :♥ Anything Else?:♥    Artist:♥ ???? (Read the Rules) :       For Reviewing1) Be patient, we have lives and most of us may have school. Especially during exams.2) Sorry if youre offended, we are strict3) Dont be a wimp and whine about how bad the review on your story is4) Credit us and the reviewer, we will check5) Subscribe to us before sending your request, even if you received your request. Dont unsubscribe! FORM☻ Authors name: ☻ Story Title:☻ Short Story Summary:☻ Story Link:☻ Story Genre☻ Reviewer:     FOR STAFF AND FORM TO BE STAFFGo to this link.  ForewordTIME LINE27/5/2013 - BIRTH OF SHOP. OPEN, HIRING AND NEW  STATUS : HIRING/OPEN  BLACKLIST:NONE CURRENTLY AFFILIATIES : (PM IF YOU WANT TO BE)NONE CURRENTLY     REQUEST LIST:[Poster] Sitting Next To A Beauty -TheKween (working)   COMPLETED LIST:[Review] Day Lily - summerswirlies
