In The Dark

Afterschool 10K Active
Author: peonymilfs
Latest: 7
Time: 6 month ago

omg???could this story be DA ONE?!?!?! I dont own any of the gifs or pictures used. is called in da dark bcuz ur all in the dark probably or sumthin.Basically I got the name because everyone is in the dark about Nanas nightlife. Foreword"You never tell me where you go after school Jinah.""Its best you didnt know." Nana is failing her exams badly. Lizzy is told to tutor her but things dont seem to go to plan whenever Lizzy tries to tutor her when school is over in the library. Nana lives two lives.. Her nightlife is a secret to all in school and is rather complicated but surprising. Im JinahKnown as Nana to most people, shes the prettiest girl in the school. There are rumours that shes a player, but nobody knows where she disappears to when school is over. Park SooyoungKnown as Lizzy to most people, shes the girl with the highest grades. She tutors a lot of people and there are rumours she gets paid to do it. Lee JooyeonJooyeon is really weird, but funny and sometimes a bit creepy. She has an obsession with an older girl, Kim Yujin. Some say she even stalks her. Kim YujinKnown as Uee to most people, shes quite popular and rather smart. Shes quite calm but can lose her temper sometimes. Shes been told about her stalker many times but doesnt take action. Kim Jung-AhJung-Ah is pretty gloomy and nobody knows why. She seems to be quite nice but can be awkward at times. Park KahiKahi was supposed to be in the year above but she failed and got put in the lower year. Shes a nice girl and can be hyper at times but shes caring like a parent and listens to everyones problems. Oh Hye RinKnown as Raina to most people, shes one of the smartest in the year but she doesnt have time for tutoring because of her busy life in the school council. She keeps everything in order. Lee KaeunJooyeons younger cousin. Shes the main tutor for the Japanese classes in the school because she moved from Japan a few years ago with her parents. Noh YiYoungKnown as E-Young to most people, she seems quite mysterious and eerie at first but shes quite nice. She can be shy at times and is close friends with Kaeun.

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