Love is in the Dance

Bigbang 00K Active
Author: luckyforoppa
Latest: Opportunity
Time: 6 month ago

Yumis life changed the day she decided to persue an exciting korea as a YG back up dancer, she meets the man of her dreams who seems perfect.  But her and her sister, Nana, secrets are too much to bear.  So will her love florish and her secrets fade away like a bruise, or will they catch up and make Yumi and Nana leave yet another life behind? ForewordI stepped into the YG entertainment building and the lobby was flooded with attractive, fit women, also looking for the dancer positions; I walked up to the desk and a young and very attractive woman smiled at me and examined my fitness gear."Are you here for the dancer position?" She asked politely."Y-yes, Maam," I nodded flustered, she smiled and chuckled at me and handed at me a sheet with a number, similar to what marathon runners wear on their chest."Wear this at all times, and when your number is called, follow instructions from staff," she instructed."Thank you, maam," I bowed and sat on the floor behind a few girls, their numbers read 120, 98, 62 &16, mine read 127."Number 57," an official called from a large door and a toned, tall girl jumped up and one girl with 55 walked out....About an hour and a half passed when I looked down at my watch."127," a man called and I jumped up and nerviously walked across the hall into on eof the rooms where you see dance practice videos in youtube."Im sorry but you dont fit the standard we set here at YG entertainment," a man behind a desk said and a few other people agreed and the girl in the room, 126s, lip shook, she bowed and left."127," the man who made the girl cry called and I stood up."Lets see what youve got," he smiled and the next track started to play.
