Getting Closer

Fluff 00K Active
Author: below-xero
Time: 6 month ago

After the most awkward interview ever, ToppDoggs manager takes Xero and Jenissi to one side: "You boys have got to get closer"  "But we are close already~"  "Not close enough" Hi guys :) this is my first ToppDogg ff, Xero is my ultimate bias and JenRo is my OTP. Through out the story I will be using their stage and real names, before each chapter I will make a list for those of you that are not familar enough with their names :) This will be (90% sure) a non sex story but will be fluffy at times as I cant see them getting smutty.Sorry about the smallest and worst description ever...but I dont know how to describe it tbh~ Will update asap :) please look forward to it~
