20 Dollars

Cap 00K Active
Author: NyanRinnyNyan
Latest: 20 Dollars
Time: 6 month ago

CAP didn’t ask for this. Appreciating rap music was one thing, but coping with a loud-mouthed exuberant fish-faced eighteen year old Ahn Daniel for a boyfriend was another. When Niel can’t stop singing a certain song, it begins to terrify CAP; crackfic oneshot; Based off of Slender 20 Dollars Mode; REAL STORY PEOPLE. DON’T GIVE AWAY YOUR TWENTY DOLLARS.AND IF YOU HEAR THIS SONG.RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. ForewordWARNING: The beginning has nothing to do with the plot, and overexaggerated overbearing comedy, or what we try to write as comedy.This was written from 2:30 AM to 5:50  AM so dont expect this to be any good.The most meanest and randomest Teen Top crackfic ever butOh and this is my first fanfiction, so I hope you like it ^^I ALSO HELPED. -AndyLD, THE NICEST PERSON YOULL EVER MEET.
