The rule that brings us together

Wenrene 10K Active
Author: sayma99
Latest: One
Time: 5 month ago

Seungwan always follows the rules but upon arrival at her new University she forgets to read the Student manual and a certain student decides to mess with her a little.// WENRENE UNIVERSITY AU  Foreword. “You’ve broken the rules yet again”.“I-” Seungwan’s mouth was agape, she didn’t even know what she was being accused of. “But I didn’t do anything wrong, I cleaned my station and the equipment is in perfect condition”. Seungwan even made her point by putting the equipment in front of the girl to see.The girl took the equipment and swiftly put it back into its place, leaving Seungwan even more confused as to what she could have done wrong. “Well I’m glad you didn’t go breaking more rules, everything seems fine with the equipment and I will take your word on cleaning your station”She spoke with a soft voice, but as she continued her face broke into a sly smirk. “However you did break a very important rule, and you must face consequences …we do take this offence very seriously.”

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