Lost In Mertan

Donghae 220K Active
Author: ms-ahyy
Latest: END
Time: 5 month ago

Super Junior is Lost in Mertan. What happens when a group of girls take them into their apartment? P.S: FIRST FANFIC IVE EVER WROTE AND STORY. DO NOT READ THIS IS VERY BAD.  ForewordI WROTE THIS STORY WHEN I WAS 13!!!!This story is actually includes all my friends from school, Mary, Julia, Victoria and Arena but the main character Amy (has my name cause my friends will think its unfair that i put all their names in the story besides mine so i had to--i know them too well) is fictional. i just exageratted their characters a bit though if they do read this story which they probably wont they will realise more about themselves than they already do. chapters after chapter 7 are non edited, i didnt even bother to edit it them cause i began working on my other story and had no time to. if you wanna check out my others stories, go ahead. this story sucks so please dont read it and i really do mean it. i just put it on this website to save my work cause all the time i lose things or my computer reformats and such cause its old and i guess i wouldnt mind posting up a completed story which i spent hours on doing.I never write, this was my first story thanks to fanfiction after my friend introduced me. Fell in love with writing after that. Ive been writing for a month now. Finished this story in two weeks(in the hoildays). P.S: For the girl characters, I honestly half made them up. Half of them are my real life friends but with more exaggerated personalities. THIS STORY IS BAD DO NOT READ!DISCLAMER: I DO NOT OWN SUPER JUNIOR!!!! I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING!!!
