Blood, Blade and Beauty

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Author: hatsuharu92
Time: 5 month ago

For the ancient Romans, a love between a man and a boy was the purest form of love. Although it was not the kind of love that was expected to last a life time, it was a love that was short-lived yet passionate.It was a love that has a limitation.It has an end.And so one must savour and cherish it while it lasts. But this don’t always hold true.Two people will prove that a love between a man and a boy can last.That this kind of love can see beyond appearance and age.That this love is a pure love                         Before becoming the most powerful man in the world, Marcus UlpiusTraianus Yunho, married Pompeia Plotina Jaejoong Claudia Phoebe Piso, a member of a very influential family in Hispania. To most people, it was a marriage bound and blessed by the gods. It was a wedding and unity of a successful man and a beautiful woman.They were seriously wrong with that perception of the events.Hidden from almost everyone, the bride was born as a boy. His real gender was concealed at the wish of his husband for it will spark controversy for both of the families.The wedding was initially thought as a mistake but, was it really a mistake? Or it was bound to happen and that the gods and goddesses conspired to make it happen?In a society where such relationship was tolerated only to an extent, will such love be able to survive?Witness as Yunho and Jaejoong fight to keep their love alive amidst the temptations and peril surrounding them, as they tried to shelter it from people that may shatter this love between them- a love between a powerful emperor and a dangerously beautiful empress. Foreword                           New fic... I just felt like posting this fic that Ive been drafting for quite a while now..                            It will be based on the life of Emperor Trajan and his wife Plotina. This will be a noncanon story so it will not really follow the written history but I will try to encorporate as much info as possible like what I did with my first fic.                             Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Everything else belong to their proper owner....^_^
