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Author: Kyungsoofan12
Latest: Chapter one
Time: 6 month ago

If a girl as lonely and cold as she is find love with a person or a animal. But we think we know alot about the world but lets take a swirl into a wa ForewordPeople wonder why I stay to my self but they never ask if they were in my shoes how they would feel well no one will never know until they feel the tourcher of my life. This Is my first time ever writing in one of these . I learned that this Helps me vent out everything I feel. Some people might say they know me but they dont.they think im the nicest and happiest person where ever I go but thats not true. Im not always nice nor happy but I do know that any person I become theyre will always be some one that loves me for who I am and not someone that assumes that I am a person Im not.This is me Kim Hana  People take me as a cold body no heart bratt that gets everything I want. But their is one thing no one knows about me like one thing I love Is a good time at a movie or find true love in a foreign country. But on reason why I act like this is unknown. my friends tell me it is about to be a major change Im my life. But what can I do about it.  This is me Kris Wu.
