Guilty or Not

Angst 30K Active
Author: Yamine_y
Latest: Epilogue
Time: 5 month ago

When all left is pain is time to let go, as hard it could be. Yunho learns that it’s time to move on, even when leaving Jaejoong go is the hardest decision he could make.  Raiting: PG 13/15 Foreword  Guilty or Not Precisely, now that you have left,I have been told that youve been cheating on me,Why all of a sudden you have so many enemies?Why do I have to go excusing you? If they are lying, please defend yourselfI know you wont do it, ‘cause they say the truthIts a pity you will always going to hurt meAnd Guilty or not, what can I do now? Lie to me, like always, please lie to meI need to trust you, convince meLie to me with a kiss that seems like loveI need to love you, Guilty or not I don’t have any right to reproach you anything anymore‘Cause nothing is left of you, of me, of yesterdayIts a pity, our story could have been fantasticAnd now tell me my love, whos going to defend you?   ----------------------A/N Inspired on Luis Miguels song "Culpable o No". (Guilty or Not)Well, actually, each chapter (its a three-shot) is inspired on Luis Miguels songs.Its a story I had on draft since long ago. I never show it to anyone. I wanted to post another fluff but Im kind of depressed remembering the departure of my friend with four legs, there where I cant reach it (T⌓T) so Ive chosen an angst story that Im still fixing and correcting... then I chose to post this one instead.There will be mentions of other pairings. Dont forget this is a break up story so yea...
