Bring Me To Life (Prologue)

Changmin 120K Active
Author: changline
Latest: Chapter 18
Time: 5 month ago

Aline was getting tired of her life, until one guy made her see that it was beautiful... ForewordI’m tired! So tired of my life right now. I don’t want to go to school anymore, I just want to drop out, go home, and lock myself up in my room. But then again, I just want to die, to fade into oblivion never to be seen again, for if I choose the former I’ll just be more of a burden to my family, while if I choose the latter I’ll only be a burden for only a few more moments and then no more.Sigh! The sound of death is like a siren’s song upon my ears, calling me, beckoning me into its sweet embrace, it’s promise of eternal peace.
