Wish Upon A STAR.

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Author: katemin
Time: 5 month ago

You were bullied , humiliated and embarrassed by your schoolmates. And nothing could make it worse when you are also abused by your auntie and your cousins. Then one night you wished something upon a star. As you woke up you saw 6 pretty boys looking at you. Then they proclaimed themselves as your BOYFRIEND ? ForewordYou live with your aunt and her daughters Luna, Krystal and Sulli. They live in the mansion while you live in the tree house at the backyard. Your parents died when you were seven. They said that you need a guardian, so your aunt and her daughters lived with you in the mansion. But the rooms are not enough so they told you that you will be living in the tree house. The tree house was a gift for you when you were six and your father called the best architecture to build it for you. Your parents have 40 branches of coffee shops and only one shop was given to you. Your aunt told you that in the document it was written that only one shop can be given to you.And your nightmare begins !Beep! Beep! Your alarm clock was ringing and its time for you to get up. You stood up and put your big eyeglass. You could here your aunt calling for you. You went into the bathroom to wash up. You put on your uniform and went to down from the tree house. You went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast for them.Your aunts daughters were teasing you. " Youre so slow. Can you move a little faster dummy?." Luna muttered. "If were gonna be late from school. Im seriously gonna kill you." Krystal muttered.After they ate their breakfast the three girls went to school riding a limousine while you went to school with your bike. You parked your bike and walking towards the door. You held on to the handle of the doors and muttered to yourself " Ugh. Another day of humiliation."You went in and a group of guys passed by you. As you were walking towards the crowd they started laughing. You asked yourself * Why are they laughing? *. Then as you walked faster the laughter becomes louder and louder. Then you went into the restroom and you looked into the mirror. You touched your back and you saw a a paper taped on your back with a LOSER written on it. You just sighed.BREAK TIMEYou were on the cafeteria buying some food. Then after you paid somebody pushed you and you fell as you were standing up the crowd was laughing at you because the pudding was all over you face. You were going out of the cafeteria until you slipped into a banana feel that thrown by one of your classmate. You fell on to the ground..again. Your eyes starts to swell. You went out of the cafeteria and went home.You decided to wash up before sleeping because the pudding still smell. You sat in to the bathtub and buried your head in yor arm. You saw your knee and it was scraped because of the incident that happened.You went on to the rooftop with your blanket. Your eyes were swelling because of what happened earlier. You looked so helpless. Then you looked up into the sky and you saw a shooting star.* A shooting star?* you muttered to yourself. " I better make a wish maybe it might help me" " I wish someone could make me happy again. Boyfriens perhaps? " Then you didnt noticed that you fell asleep.After a few minutes. A magic dust was being blown by the cold breeze. Then the magic dust was forming a human shape.And...BOOM! Stay tuned.
