A Tired Little Hamster

Fluff 00K Active
Author: ReeLee
Latest: One Shot
Time: 6 month ago

When Kihyun is too tired to even stand, the others take it upon themselves to take care of him. Requested by @exactlydeliciousgiver (Tumblr) as part of a project Im doing with Buffdaddy called MONSTA X Fanfiction Requests Forum!Request: OT7 where Kihyun is overworked and the others take care of him.Come by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if youre a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if youd like~ https://mx-requests-forum.tumblr.com/ ForewordKihyun throws down his bag with a sigh, his body screaming in pain. He’d worked hard today on the choreography, absolutely dedicated to memorizing the last of his moves, and he’s certainly regretting it now. He goes over to the couch and flops down, his sweaty shirt sticking to his body in the most annoying of ways. He can feel the others’ eyes on him, watching him wearily as they pass him by.
