The husband you forgot

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Author: Lotuspassion
Time: 6 month ago

Lets say our at a resturant with you family eating and  you go off to the restroom once youd done you leave out and you bump into a tall and attractive man who claims to be your husband. Taecyeon as himself    Lisa Bonet as Ren Yeon smith   James is white Rins dadand Trish is black Rins momma  ForewordRin Yeon went to the bathroom and once she was done she washed her hands and fixed her hair then walk out and the bumped into this very handsome man who loomed worried like he had been looking for her .Rin": um you can let me go now."Taec": where have you been Ive been looking for you everywhere?"Rin": Im sorry I think you have me confused with someone else."? Walking back tO hEr tabl wIth her mom aNd dAd, she Sat down until her mom looked behind her and spoke. Trish:" Can  we help you with something sweat heart?"Taec:" Umma you doNt Remember me?"Rin:" wHy would she, aNd wHy are fOLlowing me?"Taec": I thInk iTs normal for a mAn to spend time with his wife and in_lAws"Rin:" What did you say!"
