Understanding Best

Changmin 30K Active
Author: isabelle_jmy
Latest: Its mutual
Time: 5 month ago

We all have somebody who knows us better than anybody else. And for Yoona and Changmin, it is like that too but nobody really comes close. Perhaps that person can guess your playlist depending on your mood. Perhaps they can read you through just looking at your eyes. Perhaps they appear and stay through the moments you need them most. These are just some things that are shown when a person understands best. For Yoona, it is the worst day she can ever imagine. The loss destroys her. And there is only one person that is suitable to be there for her.  The beautiful poster is designed by JiaAera at the Jelly Bubble ● Graphic Shop . A major thanks to her, and I got a lovely poster to one of my favourite pieces of writing. Click on their link and you can find their amazing works. They are also open so go on and request :) ForewordHelloooo readers, I am a bit light headed at this very moment (it is almost 2:30 am after all). Firstly, I would like to warn you about two things. For one, I set this story at a very sensitive time; just after Girls Generation lost a member. So please be warned, if you do not want to read it I completely understand. It was painful for me to write it and because it was pretty excruciating, I would not have expressed the pain in that depth. For two, I have not editted this, and because Ive taken so long to write ite, leading into the hours past most peoples bedtimes, the grammar, punctuation, spelling mistakes, you name the error can be found in this piece. And i Assure you it is horrible. But I just really needed to finish and upload it. Otherwise I would never be able to touch my essay which is due very very soon. After I finish that thing, I will come back and edit it.Secondly, This is a two part story. The first happened on the recent event - lets consider this the present, the second part are events not in chronological order that show how they understand each other and theres a little ending that leads on from the first chapter at the end of the second chatper. I thought up of this a long time ago, but after the first scene, I just could not bring myself to continue writing. It has been a tough time for all of us, some of us had to go through it twice or more. 2014 was an awful year it started with a devastating piece of news. I am so glad it is over. So I wanted to vent my emotions how I usually do, through writing. I needed Changmin to be there for Yoona to at least sweeten the bitterness a little. My best friend asked me how is that compensation? What about the fluff? and I had to tell her "But bittersweet is the best I will ever get out of Changyoon. #sadlife I was origianlly going to make the last bit a tad more depressing, no teasing, just pure angsty changyoon. But i thought of this again (my sad life) so I thought better not.Lastly I need to thank you as readers for taking the time to read it. Thank you for your support. I need to thank the awesome writers like nikatsu aka aoza and katdiva for bringing Changyoon to life; your stories keep a lot us alive. thehonestone, and many many many wonderful writers out there for keeping them alive.  I also must mention the beautiful tribute videos to Girls Generation I found on youtube that kept me running. I think it was along the lines of girls generation colourful, and unlove you. My best friend also told me of a condtion called paramnesia which is when a person confuses reality with fantasy because of all these fanfics we find here. We both suspect we might have it. hehe Thank you again. Have a lovely day, bye ^-^Love taecyoon_gem PS. please assume that the paparazzi are not as scary as they are and that the characters would have disguises/ blend in to certain levels in public. Cheers ;)
