Looking for Love (in Alderaan places)

Hoya 10K Active
Author: dementedkenji
Time: 6 month ago

Howon is a closet star wars nerd/deadbeat barista. Myungsoo is a really, really good-looking customer. Sunggyu disapproves.Rated T for language.Warning(s): Star Wars references, Howon being horny. ForewordHow can I consider myself a fanfic writer if I don’t write the proverbial coffeeshop/barista fanfic, amirite??Also, I apologize for the lack of updates. Im currently looking for a full-time job and Ive been busy, so updates for "Manila Express" and "We Come Running" will be slower...than usual. I apologize. Dont Force choke me, please. I havent seen Episode VII yet.
