
Comedy 00K Active
Time: 6 month ago

In which Baekhyuns vocals causes Chanyeol to fall into shipwreck. ForewordLorelei awaited for her lover to return to her side, yet her unfaithful lover never returned. In conclusion, she threw herself off a cliff into the Rhine River, resulting to her death. Lorelei’s spirit remains sitting on rock, the young maiden combing her golden locks and singing a soft melody. Sailors that pass through the Rhine become so appalled and distracted by her beauty and voice that they result in shipwreck.♦♦♦AN: This fic was basically inspired by the legend of the Lorelei. Just to be clear the above text isnt the official legend, I just summarized it. I got my source HERE incase any of you guys wanted to check up on it. The legend may or may not be true but it perked my interest so I decided to write something based on this. [update 4/17/20] ps. I came back haha also the link doesnt work ^ but Im kind of lazy(?) I brought this back because Im in quarantine and I had a nostalgic moment of writing fics. Then I re-read them and they were garbo so I want a redo at life.
