The Truth, Our Secret

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Time: 11 month ago

D.O is an Angel, Guardian Angel to be exact.Kind, Selfless, Gentle, Patient, Soft Spoken, Forgiving but could be Stubborn at times.He guards the people he was assigned to, protecting them from harm and should help them when they needed it the most. He was only supposed to protect them while his other comrades (EXO-K) protect their own, so on and so forth with the other Guardians. But one cold night, as he was guarding the kids in Seoul Hospital, he stumbled upon a sickly little girl that was not assigned to him at the verge of dying.Something inside of him triggered, he knew that she wouldn’t last the night if he left or waited. He stayed in her ward waiting for her own guardian to appear but that guardian never did. Why? Why, he knew why but he would never say it out loud.He had a secret, that no one knows, the first time of his angel life.D.O was keeping a secret.No matter if she was assigned to him or not, being him, he was going to save her even from the warnings he was given by his best friend Kai. As predicted, everything went wrong. D.O thought it would not happen, but, it did to his disappointment.    Hey, butterfly_light here for my 2nd try on a fic since my first oneshot was a total fail. Oh well.This time Kyungsoo aka D.O is the star of the show. I know that its a little typical fic of angels and such but I really like angels.^^For the EXO lovers everywhere <3  Foreword Name: Shim Jaerim aka You / 20 Smart, Beautiful, Rich. Has a face of an angel, only to the people that dont know you. Youre cunning, sarcastic with a heart made of ice. You are dangerous with poison dripping off your every step.People stay away from you, they don’t even dare to look at you in the eye except for your so called friends that you keep to your side or in other words, they, stick to your side obeying to your every command.To keep it short?You hate the world.But somewhere deep inside, a small little piece, deep inside, was a totally different person. Totally different, with her own secret that she hides. == Name: Kyungsoo aka D.O / 20 (human age/k.a) Kind, Selfless, Patient, Stubborn. He’s a Guardian Angel that would help anyone, mostly with good reason to it but one cold night, he actually didn’t or wouldn’t say the reason.He got punished, stripped off. He was thrown. == EXO-KBrothers/Comrades/Best friends/Buddies you name it, they are always together. They trust each other so much that they even would choose to lose their wings for one another if they had no other choice.After years of having a job as a Guardian, they were free to do whatever they wanted too do while helping D.O out. [Theres EXO-M too, only a little]==  Be warned that other Idols most porbably most of your Idol Biases would be in here as charasters or treated in a way that you would hate me or curse me for it. I already warned you.
