shallow ends of the mind, infinite depths of the soul

Hyuk 620K Active
Author: Miichiyeo
Latest: Unintentional
Time: 10 month ago

Sang-hyuk had long since buried his morality into the depths of his heart, letting his hand be guided into turning whatever was given to him to gold, from human to machine. But as the world around him crumbles to the ground, he latches onto the warm, waiting hand that finally allows him to soar. Foreword"I hate myself, and hate what I have become. But for you, I will willingly endure everything to only continue to be by your side that much longer." Hello!This is the rewrite for my recently discontinued story, "The Key to My Heart". While the plot is pretty much the same, there were enough changes to the overall writing style and plan that I decided to scrap everything and start again. I have a more concrete outline that I will do my best to finish this time. I do want to thank all the readers who came here to give me another shot at telling this story — thank you, and I hope I dont disappoint!Be warned: there will be more mature content later on, such as violence, language, blood, and experimentation. If things like this bother you, it might be best not to read. I will mention these again before the chapters if necessary. Please note: this story will be posted on my livejournal account, as well as on Ao3 under the same name, so please know that this isnt plagarized here. However, please dont plagarize this story, as while VIXX are in no way mine, the plot is.
