Love in D major

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Author: dafafadil24
Latest: Chapter 9
Time: 11 month ago

Something which totally different and opposite was unplaningly happened in that building.A very quiet boy, who was sitting in the corner of the class, which be expected as a victim of some violenceness, the way he looked at something around him, his gaze, it seems like he was feared over something, he often shivering unconciously, and he had some wound on his face. and its often to be found still bleeding. Yang Yoseob.With.A very popular charismatics boy, who has an extrovert typed of person on himself, handsome, cheerful, talkative but in a wise way, friendly, helpful, dancer of the Gods, have an ability to melt the other person, girls especially, with his fascinating action. Jang Hyunseung. ForewordEasy things. It sometimes look so simple and so easy to do but who knows? It might can be harder than the hard things itself.
